Wednesday, October 30, 2019
A) To what extent can it be argued that a Seperation of Powers exists Essay
A) To what extent can it be argued that a Seperation of Powers exists within the British Political system B)What are the arguments for and against Britian ado - Essay Example The latter privilege allows it to acquire and dispose of land, etc., the way ordinary individuals can. In contrast to this, the powers of local authorities are very much subject to statutes and regulations. In this sense, the executive powers of the local government is limited and constrained when compared with the powers of the Crown. ââ¬Å"The power to order and reorganize the civil service derives either from the royal prerogative or the normal powers of a body recognized by law to enter into employment relations. It is detailed by Orders in Council, but these leave much leeway to ministers. It is this `flexible friend that has been used to establish Executive Agencies in the civil service and various other innovations over the years. All of this without the need for recourse to Parliament or law.â⬠(Oliver 1994, p.641) The executive powers of the ministers, though loosely regulated, nevertheless provide them with ââ¬Å"powers to make contracts for the supply of goods and services to departments and the publicâ⬠(Shell 1994, p.301). The last fifty years had seen moves to implement more statutory controls over the executive branch. This is because the older methods of control were inappropriate and irrelevant to the modern times. Some examples include, reduction of powers of local authorities in favor of school governors and teachers; enhancement of responsibilities of hospital managers and general practitioners within the framework of the National Health Service. Both these cases suggest a move toward decentralization of executive powers. (Oliver 1994, p.639) The independence of the judicial power was solidly established in England by the Glorious Revolution of 1688-89. Ever since, one of the implicit conditions of this outcome was that the judges should take care not to encroach on the legitimate spheres of discretion of the sovereign political authorities, Crown and Parliament. The legal control of the government is aided by the Supreme Court Act,
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Reviewing The Heart Of Darkness And Apocalypse Now English Literature Essay
Reviewing The Heart Of Darkness And Apocalypse Now English Literature Essay The horrorthe horror, these were the words that echoed in my mind after experiencing Joseph Conrads Heart of Darkness and Francis Coppolas Apocalypse Now. Together, both pieces have several parallels; this is largely due to the fact that Coppolas Apocalypse Now is actually an adaptation of Heart of Darkness. While the films story mimics Conrads tale with its general plot points, there are also many differences. While the characters of both Heart of Darkness and Apocalypse Now parallel one another in their natures, this is also where their distinct differences lie. The Accountant in Heart of Darkness is only one of the countless characters that are in Africa with absolutely no purpose; his attire is always kept at its best and it appears as though his only accomplishment was teaching an African woman to clean his garments, treating her as a servant. To parallel with The Accountant, in Apocalypse Now, Kilgore is also viewed as a purposeless character. Kilgores sole purpose is to surf, yet somehow he manages to avoid death and even injury in the most treacherous places, causing his focus on the war to be nonexistent. Marlow in Heart of Darkness and Captain Willard from Apocalypse Now both have this mission of finding Kurtz, the man known as god; the man known to be as hollow as a barrel; the man to be found. In Heart of Darkness, Kurtz is the chief agent at the ivory companys Inner Station at Stanley Falls. This so known hallow man is much taken back by the power that he has over the natives, starting out in the Congo attempting to give the natives better lives, these people learn to worship his ways. Due to his good intentions of helping these natives, he becomes isolated from his own civilization and is left to be on his own; he begins to retreat into a state of brutality. This clearly epitomizes that the basic human nature of Heart of Darkness is usually drowned out by the light of society. We can also see here that civilization is only superficial, in the way that the natives were more civilized then Kurtz himself. Marlows relationship with Kurtz after finding him begins as a professional one, but as we see when the story unfolds, Marlow slowly begins to identify with Kurtz, and by the end of the book we can see that Kurtz is what Marlow could have been and that Marlow is what Kurtz used to be. The two men see themselves in one another, a hard but interesting thing t o experience. Within Heart of Darkness and Apocalypse Now, the use of light and dark are both dazzling and unbelievable. The representation of light, dark black and white is embedded throughout the account of Heart of Darkness. In general, the symbolism of darkness usually implies evil or some type of mysterious unknown. Yet in the book we see that darkness is used as a symbol for truth, where the light is seen as a falsehood. The truth that Marlow discovers is within him, lying in the darkness. The truth was physically found for him in Congo which was known as the darkest spot on the map. With that specific example of how symbolism has been reversed, we also look into the light. The light comes from the civilization, also seen as a source of falsehood as well as being a form of dark business. The symbolism of white and black in Heart of Darkness is most apparent when it alludes to cultural and race; the white people being the lying, evil, civilized community, and the black natives being enlighten ed, good, and savages. The alternating lighting in many of the scenes of Apocalypse Now, specifically in the Do Lung scene symbolizes the insanity of the Vietnam War. Here we see that no one knows why they are really there, what is real, what is not, or where exactly the real evil is. Towards the end of the film, after Willard has killed Kurtz, we see Willard purposely placing half of his face in the shadow. This use of cinematography shows that he had united the two ideals; that of the military from which his mission spawned from the light, and the moral, yet uncompassionate ideal of Kurtz and the darkness of the jungle. Another comparison that can be made between the two is the fact that they both have rivers, not the physical part, but the symbolic importance of these rivers. In Heart of Darkness, the Congo River is essential to the plot of the story, and is also essential to the Europeans in general when dealing with Africa. The river was the only means of travel for the Europeans to be able to get into Africa. In regard to the light and dark aspect, the river did not allow of efficient movement upstream, reflecting on the difficulty in Marlows journey within himself, and this struggle that he faces toward obtaining the truth. On the other hand, Marlow was capable of moving easily downstream, making his return to civilization easier and basically effortless. In Apocalypse Now, the Hung River is where we turn towards truth, a struggle with the events escalating in their level of severity and confusion. This river brought only madness and was a path to enlightenment, with every path to enlightenment , sacrifices were made and there would always be pain to overcome. When it comes to noticing differences between the novel and the film, the most obvious one would have to come with the usage of drugs in Apocalypse Now. Heart of Darkness didnt have a hippie-surfer character that was always tripping on acid. It didnt have a man named Chef who wore a sailor shirt and smoked dope constantly. To me, the most surprising aspect of Apocalypse Now was that Lance, the surfer, survived throughout the entire ordeal, proving that during the release of the film, drugs were seen as good. I believe that Timothy Leary intended to use the film to explain how marijuana, shrooms and acid unlocked the key to immortality. This is probably the most apparent difference to me in the two, we see that Apocalypse Now was very interested in promoting to use of drugs while Heart of Darkness never went to that level. In addition to the rivers, and drug use, the idea of imperialism is only found in Heart of Darkness. The imperialism had a huge effect on the race relations in the novel; it is from this and also with civilizing the natives that the criminal neglect of the Company resides and is acceptable. The closest we get to anything like this is Apocalypse Now would be in the slaughter of the Vietnam Cong during the war. The ties between Conrads Heart of Darkness and Coppolas Apocalypse Now are unmistakable. From the Congo River in Africa to the Nung River in Vietnam, Conrads ideals are not lost. In both, the ideas of good versus evil and symbolism of whiteness and darkness are all apparent. While there are many similarities between the two, as discussed there are many differences, from the usage of drugs to the descriptions of rivers. Heart of Darkness, Apocalypse Now, from one came the other, there are two dont you see? Together, both pieces have countless parallels and we see that if it werent for the distinction of time, we would be unable to determine which came first. These parallels intrigue the reader or the viewer to want to engulf themselves into the depth of the other.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Henry Jamesââ¬â¢ Portrait of a Lady Essay -- Portrait Lady
Henry Jamesââ¬â¢ Portrait of a Lady "On her long journey from Rome her mind had been given up to vagueness; she was unable to question the future. She performed this journey with sightless eyes and took little pleasure in the countries she traversed, decked out though they were in the richest freshness of spring. Her thoughts followed their course through other countriesâ⬠¹strange-looking, dimly-lighted, pathless lands, in which there was no change of seasons, but only as it seemed, a perpetual dreariness of winter. She had plenty to think about; but it was neither reflexion nor conscious purpose that filled her mind. Disconnected visions passed through it, and sudden dull gleams of memory, of expectation. The past and the future came and went at their will, but she saw them only in fitful images, which rose and fell by a logic of their own."(606) This passage, from the last chapters of The Portrait of a Lady, strikes me as one of the most brutally sad moments in the entire novel. Here Isabel, who has defied Osmondà ¹s wishes that she defer to the Ã
âsanctityà ¹ of their marriage has, with a solemn and ghostly nod to the liberty and independence that has characterized her throughout, come to be beside her cousin Ralph as he dies. What makes the passage so effectively tragic is that in its tone, language and imagery, it picks up on notes that have been sounded again and again from the beginning of the novel; at the same time, however, we cannot fail to register the differences in the workings of our heroineà ¹s mind as she tries to make sense of what has become of her. Much of the poignancy of the above-quoted lines comes from the way in which they contrast with Jamesà ¹ earlier descriptions of Isabelà ¹s mentality. It is surely part of... ...he would come back in her weakness..."(607)â⬠¹James only too vividly draws the contrast between Isabelà ¹s initial freedom and her eventual imprisonment within the secretly and malevolently-built structure of her marriage. It is with one word that James sums up the central tragedy of Isabelà ¹s story when, fitted with this new, terrible consciousness, she concludes: "The only thing to regret was that Madame Merle had been soâ⬠¹well, so unimaginable."(607) Once again, James strikes a note that has sounded again and again over the course of our reading. Indeed, imagination is in many ways the novelà ¹s primary subject, as it is our heroineà ¹s ruin; by the end of this almost unspeakably cruel and sad story, we can only hope that it will be her redemption and transcendence as well. Works Cited James, Henry. A Portrait of a Lady. 1908. New York: Houghton Mifflin, 1963.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Teoria De Los Rasgos Del Liderazgo Education Essay
La teor a se basa de la propuesta de que los lderes eficaces disfrutan de rasgos y caracter sticas personales que pueden influir casualmente con EL exito. Los lideres que alcanza EL exito, alcanza una altura city manager de un metro noventa, esta teoria sostiene que aparte de este resultado responde asi a tal caracteristica. Se admite que los lideres deben tener rasgos en comun, pero EL concepto esencial, es mas alla de los numeros de rasgos, existe una relacion insouciant entre estos Y sobre EL triunfo del lider. Segun los autores Ordway Tead, Chester Barnard [ 1 ] Y Erwin Schell que se destacaron asi en la escuela de los rasgos, ellos mencionan que esta teoria sostiene a traves de los rasgos del liderazgo esta difundido en la poblacion y puede observase Y medir, su posicion Es vinculada con EL logro que tiene EL liderazgo. La hipotesis de la vacante del lider seria buscar un candidato con cualidades que se asocien con los lideres que logran exito. Esta teoria define Las caracteristicas en la mayoria de los individuos categorizandolos como: atrevido, como character sociales, honradas y timidas. La personalidad estudiada en terminos de interaccion de los rasgos mas o menos independientes, Las actitudes y valores. Si las educadoras o docentes en cada faceta de su rol procuran comportarse de una manera mas adecuada, entonces este docente estara ensenando a Sus alumnos ( as ) a comunicarse Y a desenvolverse de modo mas armonico y justo, esto precisamente de lo que trata la formacion del lider. 2.3.6 Teoria de la Interaccion del liderazgo.Esta teoria Se caracteriza Al enfoque de la importancia que aseguran La interacciones entre la educadora y Sus alumnos. Esta teoria tiene como fundamento en la proposicion de exigencia de situaciones y necesidades tanto emotivas como intelectuales, requeridas parity efectuar asi una tarea parity que influya en la eleccion de un lider. Esta interaccion entre lideres y los grupos que desarrollan una actividad tal que constantemente asignan roles del lider hacia los miembros de un grupo. En esta teoria existe La traslacion Y asimilacion de actividades y funciones a realizar en el lider que pueden ser asumidas por un miembro del grupo, lo que permite asimilar facilmente el rol del lider. Esta teoria Se caracteriza Al enfoque de la importancia que aseguran La interacciones entre la educadora y Sus alumnos. 2.6 Liderazgo Transaccional y transformacional.El lider transaccional Es aquel donde EL lider reconoce lo que quiere conseguir en el trabajo Y lo garantiza con conseguir los resultados requeridos. Este liderazgo O EL lider intercambian estimulos por respuestas a La vez responde a los intereses de las characters con quien trabaja Si ellos mismo responde a su trabajo. Hace ampliar EL esfuerzo que conduce Al desempeno esperado. Los lideres transaccionales reconocen las necesidades de Sus subordinadores para asi cumplir los objetivos propuestos. Aclaran las funciones y las tareas organizacionales, instauran una estructura organizacional, permite Al desempeno Y toman en cuenta asi Las necesidades sociales de los seguidores. Trabaja intensamente vitamin E intenta dirigir a La organizacion con eficiencia Y eficacia. ââ¬Å"Liderazgo transformacional como opuesto Al ââ¬Å"liderazgo transaccionalâ⬠que Es mas rutinario Y diarioâ⬠( Bernard Boss 1981 ) . Este liderazgo logra excepcionales efecto en los subordinados cambiando asi La bases motivacional del individuo desde una motivacion comun hasta llevarla Al compromiso a su vez eleva los deseos de logro y autodesarrollo de los seguidores y a su vez promueve EL desarrollo de grupo y organizaciones. Los lideres transformacionales articulan una vision vitamin E inspiraran a Sus seguidores y poseen asi La capacidad de influir, de adecuar la cultura organizacional Y de hacer en ambiente favourable parity EL cambio organizacional. [ 1 ] Fue un estadounidense de negocios ejecutivos, administrador publico, y el autor de un trabajo pionero en la gestion de la teoria y los estudios organizacionales.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Jesus Christ and Miracles Essay
A miracle is basically an event that cannot be fully explained by science and sometimes defies logic and reasoning. Generally, miracles are attributed to positive things such as a person suddenly being cured from devastating or a person waking from a deep coma after a lot of years. However, miracles are also attributed to persons and possibly the best person whom miracles are associated with is Jesus Christ. According to Wikipedia, Jesus Christ performed many miracles which include curing the sick, exorcising demons from people, controlling nature, and raising dead people, among others. Moreover, possibly the most popular miracles that Jesus performed based on Wikipedia are the turning of water into wine, the exorcism of seven evil spirits from Mary Magdalene, the healing of the mute, the blind, the deaf, and the leper, walking on water, the multiplication of small amounts of fish and bread, the raising of Lazarus from the dead, the transubstantiation of bread and wine, and his own resurrection from the dead, among many others. Basically, according to Wikipedia, Jesus performed miracles in order to show everyone that the divine power of God, His Father is real. In addition, the general view of the Catholic Church according to Wikipedia is that Jesus mainly performed miracles not only to help those who are in need but to convert non-believers into believers. However, according to Wikipedia, modern analysts of the Bible claim that miracles that Jesus performed were merely symbols and metaphors. For example, healing the blind served as a symbol for people who could not see the truth even though it is presented clear on their faces and healing the dead was a metaphor for people who could not or refused to listen to the truth. Nevertheless, the prevailing perception still is that miracles are the good, yet improbable things that happen in a personââ¬â¢s life and that Jesus Christ is the main performer of these miracles Works Cited Wikipedia. org. 2008. ââ¬Å"Jesus. â⬠12 April 2008 .
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